Dear Friends:
Homes for Youth is blessed to have the support of caring folks such as you, whether your support is financial, through in-kind gifts of personal items or of your time, or simply by remembering H4Y in your prayers. All are important and sincerely appreciated.
The home that we purchased in July, 2016 and began using in May, 2017 is functioning well. Led by a loving and caring foster parent couple, the home has been occupied by a number of formerly homeless Henderson County girls. Since late 2017 there has been zero turnover in the residents of the home, with the same five girls living there and being able to establish a sense of stability in their lives. These girls range in age from 7 to 17, and are doing well both at home and in school.
Regarding the home, thanks to donations from several churches in Hendersonville, we were able to have a tankless hot water system installed to replace the existing hot water heater. Additionally, we have set up a program to accelerate payment of our mortgage, which will help bring us closer to realizing one of our long range goals – purchase of a second home.
Also, in the first quarter of 2018 we continued our support of Foster Parent training through a class held at the First Baptist Church in East Flat Rock. H4Y provided meals catered by The Dandelion, Safelight’s restaurant in Hendersonville. Another class is scheduled for the fall of this year, and we plan to hold a recruiting session prior to that class.
Finally, one of the 2018 Artscape banners in Hendersonville’s banner project was donated in honor of Homes for Youth. It can be found on Seventh Avenue between Grove and Locust Streets. Check it out the next time you are in that area.
As always, we are extremely grateful for your continuing support through your time, talent, and treasures. Without the help of caring folks such as you, our efforts to address the homeless youth problem in Henderson County would be very difficult and not nearly as fruitful. Thanks again!